The Function and Production of Geocell

2023/06/28 13:20

                                                                                       The Function and Production of Geocell

  • Geocell is a kind of geotechnical engineering facility used for Soil conservation and water resource management. Its main functions include the following:

  • Preventing soil erosion: Geogrids can effectively slow down water flow speed, disperse water flow energy, and form a network like fine flow between the grids, thereby reducing soil erosion and erosion.

  • Sediment interception: Geocells can serve as sediment interception facilities, reducing water flow velocity to settle suspended particles to the bottom of the cells, thereby preventing soil and sediment loss.

  • Water resource management: Geogrids can adjust the flow and distribution of water, reduce flood peaks, improve hydrological cycle efficiency, and reduce soil erosion. At the same time, it can also increase the recharge of groundwater, protect soil moisture, and provide soil water retention performance.

  • The production of a geotechnical cell generally includes the following steps:

  • Material preparation: select appropriate materials, such as geosynthetics (such as geotextile, geomembrane), stones, bricks, etc.

  • Design planning: Design the size, shape, and drainage system of the cell based on land conditions, water flow conditions, and engineering requirements.

  • Civil construction: According to the design requirements, start civil construction, including excavation, foundation construction, wall construction, etc.

  • Installation of cell materials: According to design requirements, install geosynthetic materials, stones or bricks to form the cell structure.

  • Improve the drainage system: According to the design requirements, install the inlet, outlet, and wastewater discharge pipelines of the cell to ensure normal operation of the cell.

  • Inspection and acceptance: After completing the construction, conduct inspection and acceptance of the cell to ensure that it meets the design and construction requirements.

  • Please note that the specific method of making geocells may vary depending on different engineering requirements. It is recommended to design and construct according to the specific situation. Before making the geocell, it is recommended to consult professional engineers or relevant technical personnel to ensure the quality and safety of the project.

  • The Function and Production of Geocell